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Following Dental Treatments available at affordable cost

  1. Root Canal Treatment RCT
    This is two or three visit procedure involves removal of caries , softened part of tooth and accessing root portion and root canal filling.
  2. Crown & Bridge
    In this root canal treated tooth will be covered with different types of crowns porcelain and zirconia, All ceramic crowns.
    Bridging will be done to replace missing tooth.
  3. Esthetic Treatments
    Beautification of teeth done with ceramic laminated, dental jewellery, composite laminates for masking colour and up bringing whiteness to the tooth
  4. Implants
    Implants are modern day treatment procedures with replacement of missing teeth with Titanium of different design
  5. Complete Dentures
    Complete Denture is a removable prosthesis replacing edentulous jaws with artificial teeth.
  6. Laser Dentistry
    Used to treat gum and periodontal problems with this tooth mobility is minimised
  7. Braces and Orthodontic treatments
    Usually done in young adolescent age in order to correct irregular teeth.
  8. Treatment of decay teeth in children
    Several types of fillings and other types treatments available for children.
  9. Flap Surgery
    Done in individual cases where bone is less and to prevent bone loss around the teeth and correct bleeding gums.
  10. Teeth protectors
    In sports dentistry teeth are protected with rigid appliances.